Sunday, November 15, 2009

Improv Goals

Goal 1
I continue to strive to GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!! Most of the time, I do fine, but anytime the scene gets 'derailed' or stopped by coach, I shoot back up into my head so fast. I find that when I am out of my head, I can sort of observe the scene from within without thinking about it. So my ULTIMATE goal is to be able to get back out of my head if I get thrown there.
Goal 2
I am having the hardest time finding a happy character that I can sustain. For some reason keeping that high energy character with a positive attitude going is 'into my head' inducing. I don't have this issue with positive children or anyone intense, depressed, or creepy. So my goal is to develop a sustainable energetic happy character.
Goal 3
So, I was thinking about class on Monday. My physicality was ON! I made choices to do things with my body, and I stuck with it. I had the scene where I was a child sitting alone on the floor eating fiberglass until I choked on it, and I had the two scenes where I was writhing onstage. Man that is So fun! Those were my favorite scenes. You never know what will happen. I am going to try to continue to do physical things. I think that it just MIGHT help my 'in my head' problem. Maybe I need to brainstorm ideas about different ways to move and postures to take. Also, finding different things to do with my hands/legs.

So to Recap- Improv Goals:
1. Get back out of my head once I am in there.
2. Develop a sustainable energetic happy character.
3. Develop more ideas about physical position and physicality onstage.

*Note I wrote these goals before the shows this weekend. I performed a happy, energetic character for an entire long form this weekend. She was a little evil... but hey, baby steps. :D

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